Tom Sora : Music Lessons

Lessons in Munich: Composition, Musicology, Harmony, Ear training, Piano / Organ


Advice offered by a composer*** to those who would like to become one

To become a composer, you really have to want it and be convinced that you have got what it takes. That means you have to feel a strong need to invent music.

The main aim of my composition lessons is to encourage my students' artistic originality and inventiveness and to develop their independence. However, originality is always relative, because you are only original in comparison to others.

That is why studying the musical highlights of past centuries is an essential part of my composition lessons. Knowledge of current and past aesthetic positions is necessary in order to become artistically independent.

After all, anyone who wants to compose must develop their own technical means. This requires a thorough knowledge of (all) music theory.

Because without knowledge of contemporary technical means, you can't really realize your musical ideas freely.

*** If you would like to find out more about me and my work, please visit my composer and author website: